
Compile your handlebars templates into static html files.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NPM version


Compile your handlebars templates into static html files.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1 which uses Node.js.

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-static-handlebars --save-dev

One the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:




This grunt-plugin enables you to separate context from (HTML)markup by using Handlebars templates. Any type of files (not just HTML) can be used, but its features are focused on providing tools to make the integration with grunt easy.

A template can have a .json file to add context variables you will use inside your template. Due to the nature of static HTML, a template without the name of index.html will be put in a folder corresponding its name where the processed file will be named index.html. So you will be able to link to that page by using www.yoursite.com/path so no additional .html extensions need to reside in your URL.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named static_handlebars to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  staticHandlebars: {
    options: {
      // Task-specific options go here.
    your_target_name: {
      // Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.

The provided "files"-directory will be used as a templates directory. See below for more information how to define your templates directory.


Options can reside in the general definition of this plugin or inside any task-options to overrule or define the options to use with that (sub)task.

Default value
		filesRoot:'.', //directory where your files reside
		packagedFilesPath:'.', //optional
		partialExtension: 'html', //optional
		helperExtension: 'js', //optional
		ignoreHelper:false, //optional
	json: '{}', //optional
	sourceView:true //optional


Type: Object

An object to configure the use of {{staticHandlebarsFiles}} or your own helper to embed the creation of assets like js and css in an optimized way. This feature enables you to define the path inside .html files to concatenate them and copy them to a folder for post-processing (minify) or just in the right production folder.

Note: if you use this plugin for non-html files you can ignore this option as long as you don't use {{staticHandlebarsFiles}} in your Handlebars templates.


Type: String
Default value: .
Define the path where your sources (so what comes before js/base.js) originating from the Gruntfile.js directory.

assets.packagedFilesPath (optional)

Type: String
Default value: .
Define the path where all concatenated files will be put. These files are all combinations of (separate) js or css files. You can choose to put them in an alternate folder to minify (grunt-contrib-uglify or grunt-contrib-cssmin) or put them in the production folder.

assets.ignoreHelper (optional)

Type: Boolean
Default value: false
If you would like to overwrite the use of {{staticHandlebarsFiles}} inside your templates, reset to true and register your own helper with the staticHandlebarsFiles name.

assets.partialExtension (optional)

Type: String
Default value: html
Default extension for partials. Used to distinguish the files to use and ignore temp / property files.

assets.helperExtension (optional)

Type: String
Default value: js
Default extension for helpers. Used to distinguish the files to use and ignore temp / property files.

json (optional)

Type: String or Array
Default value: ''
Extension: .json
A string or array value that resembles the files to use as context-input (json). It will resemble the same amount of files as the total amount of templates inside this subtask (target).

sourceView (optional)

Type: Boolean
Default value: false
A Boolean to define if the filesRoot can be used as root folder for Nginx / Apache for a no-build environment, where you can debug HTML/CSS changes without the need of a build task.

See test/fixtures/sourceView and Gruntfile.js for an example how to use.

Note: To install the needed client-side scripts to support this feature, it is needed to execute the plugin once.


Type: Object or Array
Default value: ''
Extension: * whatever you like (for example .hbt or .html)

A string or array value that resembles the files to use as Handlebars-templates.






to render all Handlebars templates.


See the /test directory for examples how to use this plugin.

  staticHandlebars: {
    options: {	
    simpleTarget: {
        // Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.
    complexTarget: {
            	filesRoot: 'test/assets', //used for JS/CSS files
				packagedFilesPath: 'tmp/packages',

Some remarks:

  • if Handlebars-templates have no markup (like {{) it will copied as plaintext.
  • In any of the helpers you will need to replace the global Handlebars reference into this.handlebarsInstance to ensure the helper can parse Strings and use the needed functions.


Every Handlebars template need a context, this can be default js {} but also extended with more smart definitions.


    "extends": [ "base.json" ],
    "targetPath" : "contact.html",
    "assetsUrlPrefix": "/"
    "files%add": [
    "partials%add": [],
    "helpers%add": [],
    "title":"A new page title.",
        "content":"At our new test site."
    "footer":"Some contact information about how to get in touch with us."


Use /base.json in your templates-directory (which you provide to grunt) to enable a default base-context-configuration that you can extend/overwrite per template.
extends:['base.json','other.json'] or extends:'base.json' use the provided files as default context. Every other property defined in a json-file per template can add or overwrite properties in this context.


Adjust the name of the file being saved relative to the working directory.


Adjust the default URL prefix of / which will be used with all the files that are referenced with staticHandlebarsFiles helper. With this property you can move the files in a directory deeper (use case: Wordpress / CMS) like /assets.

files (base.json)

All the necessary files to add (packaged) inside in the html <head/> rendered html file.

If you have conditions to embed like

	<!--[if lt IE 9]>
	<script src="js-lib/html5shiv.js"></script>

you can add it like this:

			"path": "js-lib/html5shiv.js",
			"qualifier": "IE-lt-9",
			"ieVersion": "9"

partials (base.json)

All the necessary partials to use to render the HTML.

helpers (base.json)

All the necessary helpers to use to render the HTML.

helpers%add, partails%add, files%add

Extend the json base.json file with additional partials, helpers and/or files for only this specific Handlebars template. This Array will be concatenated with the Array in base.json.


Use any properties that you like to add onto the context-object that will be used to render your Handlebars template. For example title can be defined inside the json file matching the filename of the template. Inside the template you will find {{title}} to position that value correctly in the html. See Handlebars for more information about nesting context (properties).


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

0.9.0 - More restricted approach to streamline all options so it will also work in the sourceView + documentation updated
0.8.1 - Source-view feature added + example added
0.7.1 - Cleanup of documentation + more generic approach to partials/helpers definition
0.7.0 - Rewrote plugin to support more advanced usage of partials/helpers per page.
0.6.0 - Rewrote plugin to enable "extends" mechanism as an option (not as default) + added examples + adjusted Gruntfile.js options definition + renamed options + fixed empty variables
0.5.0 - Added "extends" mechanism to limit the file-paths needed in the context-files (normally .json files) which means you have a built-in option to include JS/CSS/?-files in an optimized way inside your <head>
0.4.3 - If no .json file is mentioned, the template context will be defaulted to {}
0.4.2 - Fixed the processing of static files without any Handlebars
0.4.1 - Added grunt as global variable 0.4.0 - Relative path rewrite to support js grunt.file.setBase()
0.3.1 - Relative path bug fixed for Handlebars-helpers
0.3.0 - Rewrite to support helpers that use partials + added more tests
0.2.0 - Added global Handlebars object + fixed partials-naming (+/-/_ added)
0.1.0 - Initial release.


  • (?) option to provide string and no json-files as partials/helpers
  • (?) cli-option
  • (?) detect duplicate definitions of context & helpers/partials
  • (?) use lowercase to detect wrong definitions of code or not useful?
  • ! use target-directory for targetPath > check destination for that?
  • Provide single json/context to all files inside Gruntfile.js