
The Western Mindanao State University (WMSU) Research Journal (RJ) is an open access journal. It is a peer reviewed journal published by WMSU through the Research, Utilization, Publication, and Information Dissemination (RUPID) Center in collaboration with the Research, Development and Evaluation Center, both under the office for Research, Extension Services, and External Linkages (RESEL). The WMSU RJ aims to provide avenue for the researchers, academicians, practitioners and students to disseminate scientific and scholarly research information in a form of empirical and theoretical research articles, review articles, case studies, and methodological articles in different disciplines related to science, engineering and technology. The WMSU RJ accommodates research papers in Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medical Sciences, Information and Communication Technology, Health and Allied Sciences, Forestry, Agriculture, Food Technology, and Environmental Science from across ASEAN Regions and the world.

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