
Automatic Mega.nz account creator bot with Python Selenium

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Automatic Mega.nz account creator bot with Python Selenium

Demo on Google Colab

Checkout the working demo on Google Colab

Run on Collab


$ git clone https://github.com/techux/Mega-nz-Account-Creators.git
$ cd Mega-nz-Account-Creators
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python accountGenerator.py


  • Auto generate user data
  • Automatically email verification
  • Account updation after creation


  • Implement multi-threading
  • Add proxy Support
  • User Agent randomization
  • Add other email providers (Optional)


This is illegal if you do such things without the consent of the owners (in this case, the Mega.nz team). I am not accountable for anything you get into, this was just a speedrun to demonstrate how account creators work. This is 100% educational, please do not misuse this tool.