
PyChat is a Python based application using File handling to Exchange Messages between the computer connected over LAN or N-Computing type services

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyChat is a Python based application using File handling to Exchange Messages between the computer connected over LAN or N-Computing type services


  • Login and Logout
  • No Message Without Login
  • Easy Logout and Exit Application
  • No need for Internet Connection
  • Connect over LAN or N-Computing Just run the same program on different computer to join
  • Press Enter to refresh Message
  • Support All Encoding including Emojis

Screen Shot

Main Menu

Showing About and Help of program directing to login and start chatting. Main Menu


Show Login prompt and an option to quit program. Login Prompt

Send Message

Sending Message including emojis and other known Encoding.
Manually Press Enter to refresh Message. Need Help in fixing this. Kindly help me. Sending Messages


Enter logout in message box to logout from chat. Logout Prompt

Setting Username

Set username during login Setting Username

Exiting the Program

To exit the program, enter q or Q in message box and press enter and you are out from PyChat successfully. Exiting the program


If you found any problem or bug or having idea to modify it kindly bring it in my concentration. Thank you

Contact Me

E-mail deveshkumarsingh75@gmail.com
GitHub devesh7272
Facebook /devesh790
Twitter @deveshsingh75

Thank you

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