
buildlink is a python program which helps you to shorten link with a single command without any registration or using any API Key. Its is capable of expanding any link available on internet. with support of wide range of domain names.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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Run on Collab Owner : Devesh Singh


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buildlink is a python program which helps you to shorten link with a single command without any registration or using any API Key. Its is capable of expanding any link available on internet. with support of wide range of domain names.

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This package is available on pypi.org, So install it using pip

pip install buildlink

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  • Link Shortening

buildlink has ability to shorten any long url into short url using 5 different service providers along with custom alias for shorten link

Note : alias for link shortening must be less than 30 characters.
i.e. shorten("url", alias="less than 30 char")

  • Link Expanding

with the help of expand() , you can expand any shorten link available on internet to their long form without visiting really to that link.
This is helpful when you get malicious short link and you want to know actual URL behind the shorten one, without clicking on the Link.


  • expand(url)

This function takes one input as a parameter and return the Long URL associated with the short link.
Return Type : string


# Output : https://github.com/TechUX/buildlink

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  • shorten(url, service, alias)

This function takes three parameters as a input, url, service for shortening, and alias .
Return Type : list - list of shortened URL , if no service is privided

shorten("https://github.com/TechUX/buildlink", service="tinyurl")

# Output : https://tinyurl.com/yuxh3b37

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  • help()

This function display a basic help page of the package.


There are 5 options which is available for service.
These are as follow :

Service Domain
tinyurl tinyurl.com
isgd is.gd
clckru clck.ru
chilpit chilp.it
daga da.gd

Note : length of alias must be less than 30 characters.


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Link shortening

import buildlink as link

long_url = "https://github.com/TechUX/buildlink/blob/main/README.md"

shorten_url = link.shorten(long_url)


# Output : ['https://tinyurl.com/2mksjsq7', 'https://is.gd/e8tsIB', 'https://clck.ru/33GnAf', 'http://chilp.it/6c70182\n', 'https://da.gd/tsttQ\n']

Shortening with service specified

for this, just add the service="<service_value> parameter.

import buildlink as link

long_url = "https://github.com/TechUX/buildlink/blob/main/README.md"

shorten_url = link.shorten(long_url, service="tinyurl")


# Output : https://tinyurl.com/2mksjsq7

Shortening with alias

import buildlink as link

long_url = "https://github.com/TechUX/buildlink/blob/main/README.md"

shorten_url = link.shorten(long_url, alias="pylink")


# Output : https://is.gd/pylink

Link Expanding

import buildlink as link

short_url = "https://is.gd/pylink"

long_url = link.expand(short_url)


# Output : https://github.com/TechUX/buildlink/blob/main/README.md

Supported Domain for link shortening

this package is currently using 5 domains to short link : These are as follow

Supported Domain for link expanding

Almost all the shorten domains are supported for expansion. buildlink supports a wide range of URL shortening services, including t.co, goo.gl, bit.ly, amzn.to, tinyurl.com, ow.ly, youtu.be, rg.gy, adf.ly and many others.

Issues & Pull Requests

If you find any issue or bug in the package, kindly post it on Issue page . Go to Issue page

New Ideas and Innovations are always welcomed. Create a pull request if you want to add something new or have a fix of any bug.
Click here for Pull Request


A simple , lghtweight python package which have ability of shortening and expanding links.
You can shorten a long URL with 5 different services and also expand any shorten URL of internet to its original Long form in a single Click.
Try this package now. Its available on pypi.

Author & License

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Author : Devesh Singh [ GitHub: @TechUX | Instagram : @devesh92744 : @code.radius | Facebook : devesh790]

License This project is under MIT License.
Click Here for detailed License