
# Mangekyou-Scanner Requirements: 1. Python 3 2. socket module (If inbuilt is not in your machine) 3. sys module (If inbuilt is not in your machine) 4. time (If inbuilt is not in your machine) 5. datetime (If inbuilt is not in your machine) 6. threading (If inbuilt is not in your machine) How to run the script: 1.First of all navigate to the directory in which the script is eg. cd /Downloads/ 2.Unzip the folder 3.Go into unzip directory of Mangekyou-Scanner eg. cd /Downloads/Mangekyou-Sanner 4.Start the script eg. ./Mangekyou-Scanner.py Description about Script: When you run the script you see 3 options: 1. Simple Port Scan 2. Ultimate Mode: Port Scan + Banner Grabbing (Normal Speed Scan) [Recommended] 3. Advanced Mode: Port Scan + Banner Grabbing (Fast speed Scan) [Not Recommended] 1st option just scan for open port. 2nd option show open port and give information of that open port. 3rd option do same like 2nd option but in 3rd option speed increase of scanning ports but i not recommended to use it because some time server blocks your ip because of using 3rd option advanced mode and you get error of 'Timed out' i suggest to use ULtimate mode. When you select any option from above 3 option then script ask you that you want to scan select port numbers or scan all ports if you want to scan selected ports then write ports number otherwise click enter to scan all default ports. Please be patient if you select all defaults ports for scan. Credits: I like to thanks violent python book, null bytes, hackingvision and furas.pl who help me in this script Information of People who help me: 1. Violent Python Cookbook Penetration Engineers 2. Hacking vision: website: www.hackingvision.com I suggest to all once visit the hacking vision website. That website is best for pentester and programmers. I learn many things from that website 3. Null bytes: website: www.null-byte.wonderhowto.com I suggest to all once visit the hacking vision website. That website is best for pentester and programmers. 4. furas.pl website: www.blog.furas.pl website is in work and furas.pl help me alot in this script he is nice programmer and he is working on his blog at now he going to start tutorial of programming i will suggest you to visit his blog. Once time again i thanks to 4 of you to help me.

Primary LanguagePython



  1. Python 3
  2. socket module (If inbuilt is not in your machine)
  3. sys module (If inbuilt is not in your machine)
  4. time (If inbuilt is not in your machine)
  5. datetime (If inbuilt is not in your machine)
  6. threading (If inbuilt is not in your machine)

How to run the script:

1.First of all navigate to the directory in which the script is

eg. cd /Downloads/ 

2.Unzip the folder

3.Go into unzip directory of Mangekyou-Scanner

eg. cd /Downloads/Mangekyou-Sanner

4.Start the script

eg. ./Mangekyou-Scanner.py

Description about Script:

When you run the script you see 3 options:

  1. Simple Port Scan
  2. Ultimate Mode: Port Scan + Banner Grabbing (Normal Speed Scan) [Recommended]
  3. Advanced Mode: Port Scan + Banner Grabbing (Fast speed Scan) [Not Recommended]

1st option just scan for open port. 2nd option show open port and give information of that open port. 3rd option do same like 2nd option but in 3rd option speed increase of scanning ports but i not recommended to use it because some time server blocks your ip because of using 3rd option advanced mode and you get error of 'Timed out' i suggest to use ULtimate mode.

When you select any option from above 3 option then script ask you that you want to scan select port numbers or scan all ports if you want to scan selected ports then write ports number otherwise click enter to scan all default ports.

Please be patient if you select all defaults ports for scan.


 I like to thanks violent python book, null bytes, hackingvision and furas.pl who help me in this script
 Information of People who help me:
 1. Violent Python Cookbook Penetration Engineers
 2. Hacking vision:
   website: www.hackingvision.com
   I suggest to all once visit the hacking vision website. That website is best for pentester and programmers. I learn many things from that website
 3. Null bytes:
   website: www.null-byte.wonderhowto.com
   I suggest to all once visit the hacking vision website. That website is best for pentester and programmers.
 4. furas.pl
   website: www.blog.furas.pl
   website is in work and furas.pl help me alot in this script he is nice programmer and he is working on his blog at now he going to start tutorial of programming i will suggest you to visit his blog.
   Once time again i thanks to 4 of you to help me.