Flutter Festival Ogbomoso 2022
GDG Ogbomoso is growing its ecosystem, so we intend to introduce our community members to Flutter.
The facilitator will share his wealth of experience in the workshop "Building your first flutter App"
The goal is to drive Flutter's interest to the community members before we organize different meet-ups or Codelabs.
Samuel Adekunle aka TechWithSam, is a mobile engineer with over 2 years of experience using Flutter. In my few years, working with Flutter professionally, I've worked on various solutions ranging from fintech, restaurant, salon, etc. I hold a contract with a few firms in Lagos and Ibadan and currently working with O'Bounce Technologies developing a fintech product (1app & 1app Business) with over 110k users.
I’m a student of OUI also an active member of the GDSC_OUI anchoring this session, i always look for ways to grow, expand knowledge-base and also giving back to the community using various mean.
Getting Started
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference. "# flutter_quiz"