Hi 👋, I'm Samuel

I am a highly skilled Flutter developer with nearly 4 years of experience and 3 years of professional experience in mobile development. Experience includes teaching, working with, and leading teams in building functional applications and designing beautiful interfaces. With a passion for creating intuitive and efficient user interfaces, I have worked on various mobile applications using the Flutter framework ranging from fintech, e-commerce, Saas, Edutech, and much more.

I have a youtube channel (TechWithSam) where i share my ideas on how to solve common problems in Flutter and also bring up a new topics for the newbies and for those that find it useful. You can check it out with the link above 👆

  • 🔭 Some of my recent Flutter projects i.e 1app mobile | 1app Business | Tryv | MiHi-Therapy | VTU Silo | Pebble Card - Coming soon. | 1app Technologies | O'Bounce Technologies etc.
  • 📋 I'm available for flutter developer role (remote) - Check my CV
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning: In-depth animation in Flutter, Advance Flutter Bloc, Node.js (for backend)
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any Flutter project or any open source projects
  • 🤔 I’m looking for help with Nodejs and MySQL
  • 💬 Ask me about Flutter/Dart or any tech related stuff --> check Stack overflow
  • 📫 How to reach me: Twitter | Discord | LinkedIn
  • 💬 My Blogs: Medium | Hashnode | Techpadi | Youtube | Devto
  • 😄 Pronouns: He/His
  • 🎼 Favorite Musicians: NF and Taya Smith (or Hillsong United)
  • ⚡ Fun fact: In this world nothing matters eventually.

wakatime Profile Views Github view twitter Linkedin: acctgen1 github website

🛠  Tech Stack

Flutter  Dart  Node.js  Python  Kotlin 

😇 My Github Stats:

👨‍💻 My Recent Youtube Videos:
  1. Quick Update on Flutter Webview - (PART 5) & Migration to Null Safety.
  2. Flutter Tutorial - New Trick to Create Customized Bottom Navigation Bar in Flutter.
  3. How to add your own custom icons in your Flutter application made easy.
  4. Simple way to integrate/implement Payment Gateway in Flutter app - (Paystack).

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