
The Schedule for JSFest's RejectJS event

JSFest 2014: RejectJS

March 8th - schedule

section 1

  • 1:00pm: Opening remarks
  • 1:10pm: "Object Oriented JS" - Hadiyah Mujhid (@DiyahM)
  • 1:30pm: "The Model ORM" - Matthew Eernisse (@mde)
  • 1:50pm: "The Path of the NodeBases Jedi" - Bryce Baril (@brycebaril)


  • 2:10pm: Break

section 2

  • 3:30pm: "Scaling games using zones" - Jorge Zaccaro (@jorgezaccaro)
  • 3:50pm: "CSS Modules" - Kristofer Joseph (@kristoferjoseph)
  • 4:10pm: "Productivity Up" - Thorsten Lorenz (@thlorenz)
  • 4:30pm: "The reactive programming revolution" - Rich Harris (@Rich-Harris)