
Validate that a web site and all its required resources are available.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm install webtouch

Validate that a web site and all its required resources are available.

var webtouch = require('webtouch')

webtouch('http://www.google.com', function (e, urls) {
  if (e) throw e

The website will be parsed and all the resources in the html will be touched via an HTTP GET.

There's also an event emitter returned that you can use to monitor.

webtouch('http://www.google.com').on('get', function (url) {console.log("fetching", url)})

webtouch(urls, [opts], cb)

  • urls Either a string for a single url or an array of urls.
  • opts
    • timeout A timeout in millisecond for each GET, this is not a timeout for the entire crawl.
    • img Fetch images, defaults to true.
    • meta Fetch images in meta tags where itemprop === "image", defaults to true.
    • script Fetch scripts, defaults to true.
    • a Fetch and parse links, defaults to false. This method is dangerous since it basically turns webtouch in to a crawler that could potentially never return.
  • cb function (error, urls) {} returns all of the urls that have been touched.
  • get function (url){} The url that is about to be touched.
  • resp function (response, url){} The http.ClientResponse object and url that was just touched.