
Admin ability to view/download user's resume through webapp

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Having the ability to view/download the applicant's resume will speed up the process of going through every applicant's profile.

This feature was implemented in our registration system, but it was not secured. Our system was forked from the repo of HackGT. The repo of HackGT was a fork from the old repo of Quill.

Here's is a picture on how it looks like:

Also, the resume field was moved from the confirmation view to the application view. The resume was uploaded directly to the server and not in dropbox.

It's mostly for sponsors and making sure applicants are students. Not everyone has linkedin / facebook. The resume was a required field in the application.

@ravirahman was working on resume upload, if I remember correctly -- Ravi, would it be straightforward to implement view/download as well? I can mark this as in progress if you're planning to submit a PR soon / currently cleaning up your code.

Hey everyone, I'm working with @xTEddie and we decided to store resumes as BSON documents in the database using GridFS. This is protected as an admin operation. This made it super simple to download those blobs using a button in the admin panel (next to each listed user). They are displayed in a popup window or download (depending on the browser). User objects store the id of the resume, so that it can always be linked back to them.

We also have a batch download button to get all the resumes at once. This could be adapted to sync with a cloud storage option (such as dropbox).

Not sure what the status of this issue is currently, or if you have any interest in this particular solution. Let me know!

We have the client side upload as well, using a drag/drop or file select dialog box.

I'm an undergrad at Ohio State and we have added a field for resume upload in the application. Our fork is available here:
For now, we're just uploading resumes straight to the same server our Quill instance is on... not the most secure but it gets the job done. I'm commenting mostly to subscribe but also to let others know what we've been doing with Quill.

@Jeremy091 @xTEddie where can i find your version of quill where you have this implemented ?