Forked from @emmellsoft's Rpi.SenseHat project to provide support for Mono/.NET Core runtimes.
A complete Mono/.NET Core class library for the Raspberry Pi "Sense HAT" (C#)
The solution contains the following projects: *) Rpi.SenseHat *) Rpi.SenseHat.Tools *) RT.IoT.Sensors
The Rpi.SenseHat is the main library. It contains a nice API to the Raspberry Sense HAT in C#.
The Rpi.SenseHat.Tools is a regular Windows console application that was used to test out some of the calculations that was needed in the actual library. It also contains the process of converting a bitmap holding a font image into a "compiled" byte array that can be used by the font classes of the Sense HAT library.
Regarding thread safety:
The SenseHatFactory.Singleton.GetSenseHat() call is thread-safe, but the rest of the API is not.
It's deliberately not thread-safe to maximize performance, so you should avoid calling (for instance) the Update method on the sensors simultaneously from different threads (but you may call it from any thread).