
A Fastify plugin to add cookies support

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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A plugin for Fastify that adds support for reading and setting cookies.

This plugin's cookie parsing works via Fastify's onRequest hook. Therefore, you should register it prior to any other onRequest hooks that will depend upon this plugin's actions.

fastify-cookie v2.x supports both Fastify@1 and Fastify@2. fastify-cookie v3 only supports Fastify@2.


const fastify = require('fastify')()


fastify.get('/', (req, reply) => {
  const aCookieValue = req.cookies.cookieName
    .setCookie('foo', 'foo', {
      domain: 'example.com',
      path: '/'
    .send({hello: 'world'})



Cookies are parsed in the onRequest Fastify hook and attached to the request as an object named cookies. Thus, if a request contains the header Cookie: foo=foo then, within your handler, req.cookies.foo would equal 'foo'.


The method setCookie(name, value, options) is added to the reply object via the Fastify decorateReply API. Thus, in a request handler, reply.setCookie('foo', 'foo', {path: '/'}) will set a cookie named foo with a value of 'foo' on the cookie path /.

  • name: a string name for the cookie to be set
  • value: a string value for the cookie
  • options: an options object as described in the cookie serialize documentation


MIT License