
AFIP WSFE .NET Standard Client. Manages WSAA Ticket caching and access WSFE operations

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AFIP WSFE Web Services Client

AFIP WSFE .NET Standard Client. Manages WSAA Ticket caching and access WSFE operations (C) 2019 Tecnocode S.A. http://tecnocode.net

Build Status


dotnet add package afipwsfeclient
  • Package Manager Console
Install-Package afipwsfeclient

Certificate Generation

You must provide an pkcs12 certificate file to access AFIP services

  • Generate Private Key:
openssl genrsa -out afip.key 2048 
  • Generate Certificate Sign Request:
openssl req -new -key afip.key -subj "/C=AR/O=INSERT_ORG_NAME/CN=INSERT_ORG_CN/serialNumber=CUIT INSERT_CUIT" -out afip.csr
  • Generate PEM with AFIP website

Upload the CSR file to WSASS AFIP Service and save the resulting text in afip.pem file

  • Generate X509 Certificate in pkcs12 format
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey afip.key -in afip.pem -out afip.p12 

Library usage

using System.Collections.Generic;
using AfipWsfeClient;
//Get Login Ticket
var loginClient = new LoginCmsClient { IsProdEnvironment = false };
var ticket = await loginClient.LoginCmsAsync("wsfe",

var wsfeClient = new WsfeClient
    IsProdEnvironment = false,
    Cuit = INSERT_CUIT,
    Sign = ticket.Sign,
    Token = ticket.Token

//Get next WSFE Comp. Number
var compNumber = await wsfeClient.FECompUltimoAutorizadoAsync(1, 6).Body.FECompUltimoAutorizadoResult.CbteNro + 1;

//Build WSFE FECAERequest            
var feCaeReq = new AfipServiceReference.FECAERequest
    FeCabReq = new AfipServiceReference.FECAECabRequest
        CantReg = 1,
        CbteTipo = 6,
        PtoVta = 1
    FeDetReq = new List<AfipServiceReference.FECAEDetRequest>
        new AfipServiceReference.FECAEDetRequest
            CbteDesde = compNumber,
            CbteHasta = compNumber,
            CbteFch = "20190717",
            Concepto = 2,
            DocNro = 30111222,
            DocTipo = 96,
            FchVtoPago = "20190718",
            ImpNeto = 10,
            ImpTotal = 10,
            FchServDesde = "20190717",
            FchServHasta = "20190717",
            MonCotiz = 1,
            MonId = "PES",
            Iva = new List<AfipServiceReference.AlicIva>
                new AfipServiceReference.AlicIva
                    BaseImp = 10,
                    Id = 3,
                    Importe = 0

//Call WSFE FECAESolicitar
var compResult = await wsfeClient.FECAESolicitarAsync(feCaeReq);

LoginCmsClient Class Parameters

public bool IsProdEnvironment { get; set; } = false; //default is Homologation
public string WsaaUrlHomologation { get; set; } = "https://wsaahomo.afip.gov.ar/ws/services/LoginCms"; //default URL
public string WsaaUrlProd { get; set; } = "https://wsaa.afip.gov.ar/ws/services/LoginCms"; //default URL
public string TicketCacheFolderPath { get; set; } = ""; //Path to store ticket chache file, default is runtime current path

WsfeClient Class Parameters

public bool IsProdEnvironment { get; set; } = false; //default is Homologation
public long Cuit { get; set; }
public string Token { get; set; } //Your WSAA ticket Token
public string Sign { get; set; } //Your WSAA ticket Sign
public string WsfeUrlHomologation { get; set; } = "https://wswhomo.afip.gov.ar/wsfev1/service.asmx"; //default URL
public string WsfeUrlProd { get; set; } = "https://servicios1.afip.gov.ar/wsfev1/service.asmx"; //default URL

Environments (pre-configured in package)

WSDL (used to build the package)