
Airbnb Listings scraper with scrapy - python

Primary LanguagePython

Scrapy crawler that scrapes homes from Airbnb and stores them in MongoDB

Scrapy crawler developed by Samuel Abolo for the Quibble Python developer Challenge


As a result of Airbnb being a dynamic site with most of its content loaded from JavaScript, there where two options on how to approach this.

The first was to use frameworks like scrapy Splash or Selenium to fully load the site and execute the javascript code. The disadantage of this is that setting up these frameworks are heavy and makes the system more complex

The second approach which I picked was to figure out the endpoint the JavaScipt was sending it's requests to and scrape from there directly.


  1. I noticed that the name of the owner of the listings where sometimes left blank
  2. I noticed that more information about the ratings, such as [ratings for accuracy, checkin, location, etc] will have to be scraped from the room link itself. this can be done with Splash.
  3. I needed to find a way to handle pagination, this was done through some important pagination info in the response

How to run

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Create a virtual environment with python -m venv env or python -m virtualenv env
  3. Activate your virtual environment with source ./env/bin/activate for linux or .\env\Scripts\activate for windows
  4. run pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. create a .env file and add MONGO_URI=<your-mongodb-connection-string>'
  6. cd into the folder airbnb
  7. run scrapy crawl listings