- 0
Fails to map the color "magenta"
#19 opened by nemethf - 2
- 2
Modifing text in latex exported document
#16 opened by hvzzzz - 0
Support/add more special faces for exporting
#17 opened by lukeflo - 8
engrave region
#11 opened by AlexD97 - 3
Not handling color names correctly.
#14 opened by M1ndo - 4
- 2
- 4
- 2
Compiler warnings
#8 opened by yantar92 - 1
Feature request: line numbers
#6 opened by ericsfraga - 7
Not self-documenting
#5 opened by PhilHudson - 2
Does not work? Need setup instructions
#1 opened by Nathoufresh - 4
Not working with doom-nord theme
#2 opened by shaunsingh