
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


How to use tecsinapse-keycloak-js

Use npm install tecsinapse-keycloak-js --save to add the lib in your project.

Login with tecsinapse-keycloak-js

import TecSinapseKeycloak from 'tecsinapse-keycloak-js;

const options = {
  adminUsername: 'youruseradmin@admin.com',
  adminPassword: 'youruseradminpassword'

TecSinapseKeycloak.login(email, password, options);
  • Email: email of the user to do login

  • Password: password of the user to do login

  • Options: an object that contains data to configure your access to KeycloakServer. This object contains following attributes:

    • urlServer: The url of the KeycloakServer. Ex.: http://localhost:8081.
    • realm: The realm of your application in the KeycloakServer.
    • clientId: The clientId where you will login.
    • adminUsername: User which contains admin permission in your KeycloakServer to query data user.
    • adminPassword: Password which contains admin permission in your KeycloakServer to query data user.
    • transient(optional): Set this attribute with true, if you don't want save token in the session.
    • daysToExpireCookie(optional): Set this attribute with the number of days to expire the cookie.
    • fetcher(optional): Custom fetch like node-fetch.

This method return a promise which contains the accessToken created by KeycloakServer.

let accessToken = TecSinapseKeycloak.login(email, password, options).then(accessToken => accessToken);

  • Email: Email of user to do login.
  • Password: Password of user to do login.
  • Options: Same of login method.

This method logout user at KeycloakServer.

TecSinapseKeycloak.logout(options, callback);

  • Options: Same of login method.
  • callback: Callback function. Ex.: redirect to login page.

This method return a boolean to verify if your user still logged in



This method return the accessToken created by KeycloakServer



This method return the refreshToken created by KeycloakServer



This method return a promise which contains a JSON object that represents the user at KeycloakServer

TecSinapseKeycloak.getUser(userEmail, options).then(user => user);

  • Options: Same of login method.
  • userEmail: Email to search user at KeycloakServer.

This method return a promise which contains an Array of roles user

TecSinapseKeycloak.getRoles(options, userId).then(roles => roles);

  • Options: Same of login method.
  • userId: UserId of user at KeycloakServer.

This method return a promise which contains a boolean value

TecSinapseKeycloak.hasRole(options, userId, role);

  • Options: Same of login method.
  • userId: UserId of user at KeycloakServer.
  • role: Role defined at KeycloakServer.

This method doesn't save token on cookie, it just returns the json object of KeycloakServer

TecSinapseKeycloak.getToken(email, password, options);

  • Email: Email of user to get token.
  • Password: Password of user to get token.
  • Options: Same of login method.


Example of use with Meteor without Accounts https://github.com/tecsinapse/tecsinapse-keycloak-meteor-example

Specifically in this file https://github.com/tecsinapse/tecsinapse-keycloak-meteor-example/blob/master/imports/ui/components/info/info.js


New Release

  • npm run compile
  • npm publish
