
Creating custom vector tiles using Strava activity data

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Annual Strava activities - Maptober Week 2

Custom vector tile set displaying all Strava activities


  1. Visit https://www.strava.com/settings/api

    1. Application Name: Maptober,
    2. Category: Visualizer
    3. Website: example.org
    4. Authorisation Callback Domain: localhost
  2. Upload icon

  3. Copy Client ID and Client Secret into .example.env

  4. Rename .example.env to .env

  5. yarn install

Download activities

Each activity will download into the /activities directory as an individual file named [activityID].json. The file will be in GeoJSON format. If an activity does not contain Lat/Lng coordinates, the corresponding [activityID].json file will be empty.

./node_modules/.bin/tsc index.ts && node index.js activities

Rate Limit: Strava API rate limit is 100 requests/hr. The script will terminate and a Rate Limit Exceeded message will appear. Wait 1hr and run the script again. Only activities not already in the /activities folder will be downloaded.

Combine activities into one GeoJSON

Pass the name of the activities directory as an argument to combine.js along with activity type Run and the desired output file run.js. This script will also add a line from Bothell to the start of each activity.

./node_modules/.bin/tsc combine.ts && node combine.js activities Run run.json

Upload to Mapbox Tiling Service (MTS)


> pip3 install mapbox-tilesets

Validate GeoJSON:

> tilesets validate-source ted-activites/combined.json

Upload source:

> tilesets upload-source tppiotrowski strava-ted ted-activities/combined.json
{"id": "mapbox://tileset-source/tppiotrowski/strava-ted", "files": 1, "source_size": 20388500, "file_size": 20388500}

Create tilset:

> tilesets create tppiotrowski.maptober-strava-ted --recipe recipe.json --name "Maptober Strava Ted"
{"message": "Successfully created empty tileset tppiotrowski.maptober-strava-ted. Publish your tileset to begin processing your data into vector tiles."}

Publish tileset:

> tilesets publish tppiotrowski.maptober-strava-ted
{"message": "Processing tppiotrowski.maptober-strava-ted", "jobId": "ckvicx19p000509mgck530rfq"}

Update recipe:

> tilesets update-recipe tppiotrowski.maptober-strava-ted recipe.json 
Updated recipe.

Publish recipe:

> tilesets publish tppiotrowski.maptober-strava-ted
{"message": "Processing tppiotrowski.maptober-strava-ted", "jobId": "ckvidq02x001809l527pk290k"}
✔ Tileset job received. Visit https://studio.mapbox.com/tilesets/tppiotrowski.maptober-strava-ted or run tilesets job tppiotrowski.maptober-strava-ted ckvidq02x001809l527pk290k to view the status of your tileset.


Problem: Strava limited to 100 API requests/hr.

Solved: Downloaded activities over several hours.

Problem: Some Strava activities like gym workouts, rock climbing, manual entries will not have LatLng coordinates.

Solved: Ignored these activities.

Problem: Mapbox only allows primitive values in line-delimited GeoJSON, while Strava uses arrays and objects. For example { start_lat_lng: [12, -122.2]}.

Solved: Put everything in one FeatureCollection and MTS automatically converted to valid line-delimited GeoJSON.

Problem: When updating Mapbox recipe, Mapbox studio does not always update the rendering or hide attribute names per recipe instructions

Solved: Not sure