

Primary LanguageC#


This is an example where I found a weird bug and I don't know if it caused by FishNet, Unity or myself.

This example uses CSP to predict the Player's objects position, rotation and velocities. Because of unknown reasons the client always reacts twice as strong (or more) to the inputs, when connected to a server. A Host (Client and Server) does not have this problem. To see the problem I deactivated the reconciliation by just not applying the absolute state coming from server. If you activate it again, the bug is still there, but less visible: You would see the client jumping on every rotation direction change.



  • Start two instances (e.g. use the tool Project Clone)
  • In one instance press 0 to start a server
  • In one instance press 9 to start a client
  • Rotate the player object using left/right arrow keys

What you will see

  • The player object on the client instance moves faster than on the server instance
  • Hosts' player objects do not suffer from this problem

What you want instead

  • All player models move the same speed