
Static site generator

Primary LanguageRust


A static site generator.


$ git clone https://github.com/tedbauer/sitegen
$ cd sitegen
$ cargo build
$ alias sitegen="$(PWD)/target/debug/sitegen"

Create a new site:

$ sitegen --new -d example_site # create site at $(PWD)/example_site
$ cd example_site
$ echo "example webpage 1 \$\$ x+5 \$\$" > site/page1.html
$ echo "example webpage 2 \$\$ \\\frac{x}{y} \$\$" > site/page2.html
$ sitegen

Place HTML files in site/, and a table of contents will be generated in index.html. You can write math expressions like $$ x + 5 $$, and they'll be rendered with KaTeX.