Website Built with Asciidoctor

This website is built with Asciidoctor and using one command. It uses a custom Slim template.

  • index.txt

  • one.txt

  • two.txt

  • three.txt

There are also these included files

  • header.txt

  • footer.txt

The center white area of the pages comes from the AsciiDoc content in the text files. The surrounding black and gray areas are controlled in the template.

Creating Custom Templates for Asciidoctor

Create a Slim template

  • document-html.slim

The template links to the asciidoctor.css style sheet.

You can edit the template’s header, column one, column three and the footer.

Run Asciidoctor at the command prompt

> asciidoctor -T template/slim *.txt

Requires the following to use Slim

Ensure Asciidoctor, Slim and their dependencies are installed:

> gem install asciidoctor tilt thread_safe
  gem install slim --version 2.1.0
They recommend using Slim 2.1.0 until issue #8 is resolved.

Hey your .adoc files are .txt

I know, but it works either way. So .txt gives you another option instead of using .adoc


For more information, see my tutorial on how to build a website with Asciidoctor.

It is the same as this without the Slim template.