Top N search from a huge list

Given a file with two columns, uuid and a number (assuming values to be integers).

Print uuid with top N values to stdout


Scan through the file and add all the elements to a min-heap with size N. Meanwhile, add the value and uuid to a dictionary to do a one scan through.


Time   : O(Klog(N))
Memory : O(N)

N: Top N values to get. 
K: Number of rows in data.

Data Generator

To generate the file to play with, use

python --file_path <OUTPUT_FILE_PATH> --count <#ROWS>

(50000000 rows => 2 GB)

Get Top N

To get the uuids with top N values, use

python --file_path <INPUT_FILE_PATH> --n <N int>


Rows = 50M (2GB)


Rows = 500M (20GB)

img_2.png a

One scan

Time took       : 76.49568700790405 seconds

Two Scan

Time took       : 131.64584374427795 seconds