
Stacked Denoising BERT for Text Classification in Incomplete Data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Repository for paper titled "Stacked DeBERT: All Attention in Incomplete Data for Text Classification".


OverviewRequirementsHow to UseHow to Cite



Python 3.6 (3.7.3 tested), PyTorch 1.0.1.post2, CUDA 9.0 or 10.1

pip install -r requirements.txt
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch

How to Use

1. Dataset

  • Chatbot NLU Evaluation Benchmark dataset with missing/incorrect data (STT errors) and Twitter Sentiment dataset (Check Dataset README)
  • Training done on:
    • Twitter dataset: complete data, incomplete data, complete+incomplete data
    • Chatbot dataset: complete data, 2 TTS-STT data (gtts-witai, macsay-witai)

2. Pre-fine-tune BERT

  • Twitter Sentiment Corpus
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 ./scripts/twitter_sentiment/run_bert_classifier_inc_with_corr.sh

Script for Inc+Corr dataset. Scripts corresponding to Inc and Corr are also available in the same folder.

  • Chatbot Incomplete Intent Corpus: texts with STT Error
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 ./scripts/stterror_intent/run_bert_classifier_stterror.sh

Script for noisy data (stterror). Script for clean, non-noisy data, is also available (complete).

3. Train Stacked DeBERT

  • Training on Twitter Corpus
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 ./scripts/twitter_sentiment/run_stacked_debert_dae_classifier_twitter_inc_with_corr.sh

Make sure the OUTPUT directory is the same as the fine-tuned BERT or copy the BERT model to your new output dir.

  • Training on NLU Evaluation Corpora for TTS=gtts/macsay and STT=witai and autoencoder epochs 100-1000.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 ./scripts/stterror_intent/run_stacked_debert_dae_classifier_stterror.sh


In case you wish to use this code, please use the following citation:

   title={Stacked DeBERT: All Attention in Incomplete Data for Text Classification},
   author={Gwenaelle Cunha Sergio and Minho Lee},

Email for further requests or questions: gwena.cs@gmail.com

The authors would like to thank Snips.co and Kaggle for their public datasets (Snips NLU Benchmark and Sentiment140 Twitter Dataset), and HuggingFace's BERT PyTorch code.