
PPO in pytorch version.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PPO in pytorch version.

We run multiple episodes with the same policy, and create an experience replay buffer out of trajectories in these episodes to perform on-policy policy gradient updates using PPO. We clear the replay buffer from the last run before we start another run of multiple episodes.

Set up Python environment


virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 ppoenv
source ppoenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 ppoenv
source ppoenv/bin/activate
pip install gym==0.18.0
pip install torch
pip install tqdm
pip install tensorboard

Train and evaluate agent in RL (cartpole).

source ppoenv/bin/activate
python train.py

Check training progress by running

source ppoenv/bin/activate
tensorboard --logdir results/

After training is complete, find [SAVED_LOG] in results/ (e.g., 20221023_172239). To evaluate without visualization, run

source ppoenv/bin/activate
python eval.py --log [SAVED_LOG]

To evaluate with visualization, run

source ppoenv/bin/activate
python eval.py --log [SAVED_LOG] --visualize

If you want to evaluate on a checkpoint at a specific episode (e.g., 1000), run

source ppoenv/bin/activate
python eval.py --log [SAVED_LOG] --visualize --training_episodes 1000


Borrowed code from ikostrikov/pytorch-a2c-ppo-acktr-gail, vita-epfl/CrowdNav, and agrimgupta92/sgan.