My Package

This is a Kurtosis package. It doesn't do much now, but it will soon!

Run this package

If you have Kurtosis installed, run:

kurtosis run

If you don't have Kurtosis installed, click here to run this package on the Kurtosis playground.

To blow away the created enclave, run kurtosis clean -a.


Click to see configuration

You can configure this package using the JSON structure below. The default values for each parameter are shown.

NOTE: the // lines are not valid JSON; you will need to remove them!

    // The name to print
    "name": "John Snow"

The arguments can then be passed in to kurtosis run.

For example:

kurtosis run '{"name":"Maynard James Keenan"}'

You can also store the JSON args in a file, and use command expansion to slot them in:

kurtosis run "$(cat args.json)"

Use this package in your package

Kurtosis packages can be composed inside other Kurtosis packages. To use this package in your package:

First, import this package by adding the following to the top of your Starlark file:

# For remote packages: 
this_package = import_module("") 

# For local packages:
this_package = import_module(".src/")

If you want to use a fork or specific version of this package in your own package, you can replace the dependencies in your kurtosis.yml file using the replace primitive. Within your kurtosis.yml file:


Then, call the this package's run function somewhere in your Starlark script:

this_package_output =, args)

Develop on this package

  1. Install Kurtosis
  2. Clone this repo
  3. For your dev loop, run kurtosis clean -a && kurtosis run . inside the repo directory