Software Studio Assignment 6


  • You will have to import the libraries on your own. All the libraries are provided on iLMS.
  • Even you followed the design TA shown in the video, you still have to explain the control of the program in the next section.

Explanation of the Design

  • load data is the same as done in lab, but when connecting source to target, also include the value of source and target
  • when 1~7 is pressed, the version will change and all will be renew, you cannot change to the same version
  • when hover over a character, it will be save to a node, and if pressed and node is not null, then it will be saved to another node, in this way we can determine whether a character is hovered, pressed, or dragged

Operation (same)

  • Clicking on the button "Add All": users can add all the characters into network to be analyzed.
  • Clicking on the button "Clear": users can remove all the characters from network.
  • Hovering on the character: the name of the character will be revealed.
  • By dragging the little circle and drop it in the big circle, the character will be added to the network.
  • By pressing key 1~7 on the keyboard, users can switch between episodes.


  • The width of each link is visualized based on the value of the link.