
An open source HTML5 Fighting game built with the Phaser engine!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NOTE*********** May 2nd, 2020: Extremely sorry guys, as you could tell this project has not been maintained for about 3 years now due to different priorities in life. This was a little side project, and many of you who will be forking this may see that my javascript and game dev coding is not very strong. Feel free to fork at will, I look forward to any developments on this!



An open source HTML5 Fighting game built with the Phaser engine!

Latest build can be played here: https://moe-khan123.github.io/

How often do we see a good fighting game for the browser? My intention is to create a good, functionable fighting game engine!

Initially using Street Fighter 2 and Street Fighter Alpha 3 sprites, I plan to incorporate concepts from several fighting games into this game.


  • Arrow keys to walk and crouch.

  • Q to Light punch

  • W to Medium punch

  • A to Light Kick

  • S to Medium Kick

  • D to Hard Kick

  • Down -> Forward -> Q (Light Punch) to hadouken

What's done so far:

  • Ability to walk forward, backward, crouch, punch and kick.
  • Simple Enemy AI has been coded, but commented out for the time being.
  • Barebones hadouken functionality.
  • Damage and health has been programmed in. (No user interface to display the health so far)

To Do in the near term:

  • Tatsu, shoryuken, jump forward and backward sprites update.
  • Ability to neutral jump, jump forward and backward.
  • Special Moves implementation for Tatsu and Shoryuken.
  • a sophisticated hitbox and hurtbox system.
  • Blockstun

If you want to use your own sprites for this game, feel free to contribute and I'll be glad to put you in the credits section!