
Building a custom website

Primary LanguageCSS

Become a WordPress Developer: Unlocking Power With Code

What I Learned

Throughout this course, I've acquired valuable skills and knowledge:

  • PHP Proficiency: I've been introduced to the PHP language, understanding its pivotal role as the powerhouse behind WordPress.

  • Theme Development: Successfully set up a new theme, seamlessly converting an HTML template into a fully functional WordPress theme.

  • Content Customization: learned to create custom post types and custom fields, tailoring the content structure to specific needs.

  • Content Relationship: I can now relate pieces of content, establishing connections between entities such as professors and programs.

  • JavaScript Mastery: Grasped the basics of (object-oriented) JavaScript, expanding my capabilities in web development.

  • WP REST API: Leveraged the WP REST API, gaining proficiency in interacting with WordPress back-end resources.

  • User Interaction: Implemented user-centric features, allowing visitors to sign up for a basic account on our site.

  • Dynamic Page Features: Built a "My Notes" feature, creating a user-specific single-page application with real-time CRUD actions.

  • User Engagement: Enabled users to express appreciation by implementing a "like" or "heart" functionality for professors, updating counts in real-time.

  • Website Deployment: Successfully deployed the website live onto the web, making it accessible for the entire world to view.