Custom silent fan profile.
The script will check the CPU temperature ever 2 seconds.
Fans will be set to manual and low RPM unless the temperature reaches the UPPER_TEMP
Upon reaching the upper value, the iDRAC settings kick in and manual fan control is disabled.
For this to work, the script relies on the ipmitool binary. Make sure to install the ipmitool.vib provided in the repository. The ipmitool.vib was compiled and packaged by: vsswitchzero
Customizations can be applied to the scripts. To build a new vib package, follow these steps:
- Update the
value in
script. To get your sensor id run this after installing the ipmitool.
/opt/ipmitool/ipmitool sdr type temperature
Sample output:
Inlet Temp | 04h | ok | 7.1 | 26 degrees C
Temp | 0Eh | ok | 3.1 | 49 degrees C
Temp | 0Fh | ok | 3.2 | 52 degrees C
Select the sensor id to be monitored and update the SENSOR_ID
2. Modify the scripts to your needs.
3. Increment the version in stage/descriptor.xml
4. Run docker with vibauthor while mounting the code path in docker.
sudo docker run --rm -it -v '<path_to>/dell-fan-supervisor-esxi':'/data' lamw/vibauthor
- Change directory to the mounted one from above (i.e data)
cd /data
- Run the vibauthor tool to create the package
vibauthor -C -t fan_supervisor -v fan_supervisor.vib -O -f
- Enable SSH on the ESXi instance and copy the vib package.
scp fan_supervisor.vib <user>@<esxi_ip>:/tmp
- SSH into the ESXi instance and install the package
esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/fan_supervisor.vib -f