
My instructions for installing OpenCL development environments for all CPUs and AMD GPUs on Linux distros, as I've found a lot of existing online instructions to not be that reliable for properly setting up a OpenCL development on a Linux distro such as the Ubuntu one which I am running.

OpenCL Development Environment Setup Instructions

  • "amdgpu_opencl_install_instructions.md" contains instructions for setting up GPU OpenCL development on Linux Distros with an AMD GPU.
  • "pocl_install_instructions.md" contains instructions for setting up CPU OpenCL development on Linux Distros with any kind of CPU.

Additional Comments

  • Tested as working on an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS system running kernel 5.4.0-73-generic with a RX Vega 56 and a Ryzen 5 2600 as of June 2021.
  • Instructions may change depending on future driver and software updates