
Our very own network mapper: A three-fold application to "nmap" networks with distributed agents managed from a GUI dashboard and an Android app!

Primary LanguageJava

Distributed Scanner

A three-fold application that allows information gathering from deep network scans ran by distributed agents. Also comes with an Android app for the admin!

Installation Guide

Part 1) AggregatorManager
  • Clone the repository and descend into AgrregatorManager dir.

    $ git clone https://github.com/LAripping/DistributedScanner.git
    $ cd DistributedScanner/AggregatorManager
  • Create the database and insert the admin user.

    $ mysql < DSschema.sql
    $ mysql> INSERT INTO users(username,password) VALUES ('admin','admin');
  • Build and Run with Maven (install if needed). Default configuration used is described in Under the Hood section.

       $ sudo apt-get install maven
       $ mvn clean install -DskipTests
       $ mvn exec:java -Dexec.args='amprop.conf' #Single, optional argument = .conf file path
Part 2) SoftwareAgent(s)
  • Clone the repository and descend into SoftwareAgent dir.

    $ git clone https://github.com/LAripping/DistributedScanner.git
    $ cd DistributedScanner/SoftwareAgent
  • Build and Run with Maven.

       $ mvn clean install
       $ sudo mvn exec:java \
       $  > -Dexec.mainClass='dsSA.softwareAgent.Main'
       $  > -Dexec.args='saprop.conf'  \
       #sudo used to enable executing more 'sophisticated' nmap commands ;-)

Quick Start Guide

  • Before running the dsAM module, one must use one of the IPv4 addresses assigned to the host, and edit the code. Specifically the corresponding line must be altered to specify the socket (ip:port) to be used by the server's host.(See Issue #2)

  • After launching the AggregatorManager application the user is presented the GUI. Here they can log-in using the admin credentials and make use of the full functionality of the dsAM app.

  • Eventually, exit the application by closing the GUI window -for the dsAM app- and by killing any dsSA apps listening for incoming jobs or waiting to re-execute periodic ones.

Project Structure

By running the SoftwareAgent module locally, multiple nodes gather information for the network, after executing nmap commands. Sets of nmap jobs are assigned to each agent from the *Manager modules, and these in turn receive input from the user. All in all nmap jobs can be defined:

  1. Directly, passed as input for the SoftwareAgent (or dsSA) Java application from a terminal.
  2. Remotely, assigning them a REST API to selected SoftwareAgents that are connected with the AggregatorManager (or dsAM) Java application, through a GUI.
  3. On the go! Using the MobileManager (or dsMM) Android app.

Each agent stores these nmap jobs in a queue and executes them synchronously or asynchronoysly, since they take one of two forms:

  1. One-off jobs, where the command is executed when it's turn comes. Results are immediately sent to the AggregatorManager and the job is poped from the queue.
  2. Periodic jobs, which are first executed in new threads spawned, when their turn comes, so that a timer can be set to re-execute independently from the main thread dealing with "one offs".

Data Handling

While the server module (dsAM) is mandatory, the two clients are not. This means that any or no information can be gathered, sent to the server and stored in a MySQL database.

The schema designed is defined in DSschema.sql and a MySQL Workbench Model is available in DSmodel.mwb.

For more info take a look at the Under the Hood section


As mentioned above, the entities communicate over a simple and coprehensive HTTP protocol. In detail, the services exposed are the following: (API visualization coming soon!)

Method URL URL Params Body Description
PUT /softwareagent "name|password" Register the Agent in the Manager's Database*.
GET /nmapjobs ?hash=<SA_hash> Request for NmapJobs from agent, identified by its hash**.
POST /nmapjobs/<job_id> "Starting Nmap 6.40..." Send results from nmap identified by <job_id>*.

*Returns 200 OK in success or 400 Bad Request otherwise, both with an empty response body.

**Returns a list ( [<job>,<job>,...] ) of toString()'ed nmap jobs ( "id.param,periodic,period" ).

NOTE that:

  • Agent Termination commands and
  • Periodic Job Halt commands

can also be encoded in this format


The Maven tool is used to fetch external Java libraries needed so each project comes with each own pom.xml file that specifies them.

Under the Hood

  • Obviously, more than one Agents can run in one node, but only one Manager. To avoid duplicate hashes, the generated number is XOR'ed with a random number, to maintain large entropy.
  • The SoftwareAgent app can even run without a NIC in the system host. This case was added for testing purposes in combination with the fact that this situation arised in development :)
    • If no network interface is found, the SA is registered with the following conventions:
Interface - MAC Interface IP AM URL
  • The original description strictly defined that the Agent Termination command should be encoded in an nmap_job with id = -1. Thus only one of this command can currently be stored in the database. This is recognized as an issue (#1) and awaits a fix.

  • Supported parameters for dsSA's property file are: (see saprop.conf for an exapmle )

Key Type Description
AMexists true/false Allows "master-less" execution.
AMurl ip:port Points to the Manager host.
Jobs File /path/to/jobs.file Read jobs from file instead of AM.
Lines per Read int How many job-lines to be imported per atomic read.
Pool Size int Count of threads to be pre-spawned to handle one-off jobs.
Verbose true/false False means silent. True recommended.
RegisterRequestInterval int Seconds between registration requests in case of failure.
JobRequestInterval int Seconds between Job requests in case of failure.
  • Supported parameters for dsAM's property file are: (see amprop.conf for an exapmle )
Key Type Description
DBuser string Database username.
DBpass string Database password.
Verbose true/false False means silent. True recommended.
RegisterRequestInterval int Seconds between registration requests in case of failure.
JobRequestInterval int Seconds between Job requests from Agents


The project was developed by

  • Petros Kaltzias
  • Apostolis Kourtogiannis
  • Leonidas Tsaousis ( @LAripping )

as a semester-long assignment in the course Software Development for Networks and Telecommunications.