
Useful Unix Home Things (UUHT)

Primary LanguageShell



Clone into your home directory (maybe with a dot prefix to hide)

git clone git@github.com:tedslittlerobot/homeslice.git .homeslice

then add

source ~/.homeslice/homeslice.sh

to your zshrc, bashrc or whatever rc you use. If you use oh my zsh, make sure to add it BEFORE you source that for completions to work.

Custom Install

If you choose a different directory to install homeslice to, assign its full path to HOMESLICE_DIR. So, for say, ~/somewhere/homeslice:

source ~/somewhere/homeslice/homeslice.sh

Or, if you're a serious bash ninja, you can condense the source and variable into one line:

source ${HOMESLICE_DIR:=~/somewhere/homeslice}/homeslice.sh


cd into your homeslice dir, and git pull

or use a handy command that does all that for you...





clonestream repo-name [folder origin upstream url suffix]

This command is a mix of a few common git commands. In short, it clones a forked repo, and adds the upstream repo.

CLONESTREAM_UPSTREAM and CLONESTREAM_ORIGIN (if they are set) are default values for the origin and upstream arguments. They should be the github upstream (original) and working (forked) accounts for the repo you are using.

They should be defined AFTER sourcing homeslice


  • stead SSH into Homestead
  • hsup Homestead up
  • hssr Homestead soft reset (halt + up)
  • hshr Homestead hard reset (destroy + up)
  • hsp Homestead provision
  • hsdown Homestead halt
  • sth Edit Homestead settings in Sublime