reminder to self of how to add samples in Estuary

  • create local subfolder for github pages site

  • make sure there are no spaces in the file names

  • copy aiff files in then convert to .wav

    • cd to directory, then

    • for f in *.aiff; do ffmpeg -i "${f}" -vn -c:a pcm_s16le -ar 44100 "${f%.*}.wav" ; done

  • push changes in github desktop

  • check files are there (or for the main stable Naga Mas bank)

  • use instructions to create resources.json, or as below:

  • go back up into the samples directory

  • cd ..

  • run the script like this: /Users/jsimon/Dropbox/github_repositories/estuarystuff/ . > resources.json

  • check the new local resources.json file then push using github desktop

  • in Estuary terminal !showresources returns 0: reslist "samples/resources.json"

  • do !reslist "" (or !reslist "" for the main stable Naga Mas bank)

  • to revert to default samples !defaultresources