Canny Debugging Test

Howdy Candidate, we've created this pared down version of Canny to get a better idea of your experience debugging web applications. Best of luck!

Getting Started

  1. Initialize your environment

We recommend using nvm for managing node versions.

Install nvm from here

Then install the node version for this assessment:

nvm i
  1. Install dependencies

Next you'll need to install this app

npm install
  1. Run the backend

The backend is a node server. Everything to do with the server lives in /server.

Terminal tab #1:

npm run backend
  1. Run the frontend

Webpack is used to bundle and serve our app. Everything to do with the frontend lives in /app.

Terminal tab #2:

npm run frontend

Once everything is running, you should see the app running

Customer Issues

For each of the following issues:

  1. Identify the issue
  2. Apply the fix
  3. Provide a response to each technical customer in 1-2 sentences

Customer 1: When I open the application, my posts do not load and all I see is a 'server error'.

  • SSO token was generated wrongly with the property unyme though the backend dos do the validation checking with the property name name.
  • Generated a new SSO token. I've added a util in utils-for-bug-fix.
  • Hi customer, we're sorry for that. We were using a wrong SSO token for you but fixed it.

Customer 2: When I click on "Top" or "Old", the selector does not update with my new selection.

  • In the onChangeSort method, it's updatig the component's state to close the menu before dispatching changeSort(sort) action.
  • Updated the onChangeSort method to dispatch the changeSort action first and then update the component's state.
  • Thanks for flagging that issue, there was a minor issue in the frontend but it's fixed already. You can see that fix by refreshing the page.

Customer 3: When I sort by "Top", there are posts with only 28 votes ranking higher than posts with 180 votes!

  • In sortBy method, it didn't consider descending when the array length is 2.
  • Updated to reverse the result array when the length is 2 and descending is true.
  • Thank you reaching out to us! We've investigated the issue and fixed the issue by updating the sorting algorithm.

Customer 4: When I page through posts, although the posts are changing, the vote count in the top left corner does not match the total count of votes of the displayed posts.

  • In PostList.js, when fetching posts after clicking the page number, it may dispatch the recountVotes earlier than fetchPosts because they are all asynchronouse functions.
  • Updated fetchPosts method to dispatch fetchPosts and recountVotes in order by using async/await.
  • Thank you for your bug report. We've just fixed the issue to recount the votes after getting posts.

Customer 5: When I navigate the page with the sort type Top, it shows the posts in a different sort type (more exactly Old) without the sort type update.

🎉 You're Done 🎉

Congrats on completing our assessment. All that is left for you to do is submit your assessment. We made a command that will zip your submission and send it to us. Send us an email to confirm that we got it.

npm run submit