
some script to make stuff easier.

Primary LanguageC#

unity-scripts v.1

some script to make stuff easier.


  • Features
  • How to use.
  • Examples.
  • Advanced usage.
  • History & auto complete.
  • Binding commands to keys.
  • Returning a reference to an object.
  • Render Debug
  • TODO



  • Toggleable console for play mode.
  • Console history for quickly entering same commands over again.
  • Auto complete for quicker input.
  • Bind commands to 0-9 numerical keys.
  • Console history and key bindings save to file, so you can have them next play test.
  • Very easy to implement.

How to use.

  • Add Console.cs to any GameOject.
  • Inside any component create a method that start with Console_ (i.e. Console_ResetHealth(int newHealth = 100))
  • In play mode hit ~ to toggle Console.
  • Type: "ResetHealth" to call Console_ResetHealth on all objects, with the default parameter. (i.e. 100)
  • Type: "Player ResetHealth" to only call it on the object named Player.
  • Type: "Player ResetHealth 10" and it will set 10 as the parameter. It's best if every method has default parameters set, so you don't get any problems.


// Methods can take any number of parameters.
public void Console_GiveItem(string item = "Sword", int quantity = 1) { }
// Parameters can be int, float, bool, string, int[], float[], bool[], or string[]
public void Console_SpawnEnemies(string[] enemies = null) { }
public void Console_SpawnEnemiesWithItem(string withItem = "Sword", int quantity = 1, string[] enemies = null) { }
public void Console_SpawnEnemiesWithItems(string[] items = null, int quantity = 1, string[] enemies = null) { }
// Automatic type casting, so you don't have to deal with strings.
public void Console_SetSettings(bool[] settings) {}
// They can even be references to objects. Scroll down to Advanced Usage.
public void Console_LogHealth(Console console = null) { console.Log(myHealth); }

Then in console...

//>> Console_GiveItem(Sword, 1)

// Arrays are automatically created.
SpawnEnemies Orc Orc Orc
//>> Console_SpawnEnemies([Orc, Orc, Orc])

// But explicitly surrounding them with quotations and using commas will allow spaces in their names.
SpawnEnemies "Orc,Orc,Orc Leader"
//>> Console_SpawnEnemies([Orc, Orc, Orc Leader])

// If you don't explicitly type an array, make sure it is the last parameter.
SpawnEnemiesWithItem Sword 1 Orc Orc Orc
//>> Console_SpawnEnemiesWithItem(Sword, 1, [Orc, Orc, Orc])

// The last array doesn't need quotes if you don't feel like it.
// Commas in arrays are only necessary if you want spaces between strings.
SpawnEnemiesWithItems "Sword Bow Axe" "1 2 3" Orc Orc Orc
//>> Console_SpawnEnemiesWithItems([Sword, Bow, Axe], [1, 2, 3], [Orc, Orc, Orc])

// Booleans converted from strings or ints.
SetSettings t false 1 0 TRUE False
//>> Console_SetSettings([true, false, true, false, true, false])

Advanced Usage

History & auto complete.

Up arrow = moves through history.

Down arrow = moves through auto complete. (when available.)

Enter = select auto complete.

Left/Right = back to input field.

Binding commands to keys.

You can bind a command to a number key for faster play testing.

// bind number command
bind 0 Player SetHealth 0
bind 1 Player SetHealth 100
bind 2 SetHealth 10
bind 3 SpawnEnemies Orc Orc Orc
bind 4 SpawnEnemies "Orc Master,Orc,Orc,Orc Slave"

Returning a reference to an object.

If you want methods to recieve a reference to an object:

public void Console_TeleportPlayerTo(string target, Player player) {}

// Set MethodInfo.Objects[ObjectType] to an object
MethodInfo.Objects[typeof(Player)] = myGame.player;

// Now if you entered
TeleportPlayerTo Volcanoe
// it will call Console_TeleportPlayerTo(Volcanoe, myGame.player);

It automatically has a reference to the console if you want to use it. Though there isn't much point atm.

Getting ALL public methods.

In Console.cs you can change

const string consoleMethodHeader = "Console_";  
// to
const string consoleMethodHeader = "";

And it will show ALL public methods in ALL components in ALL objects. It's not designed for this, so use with caution.

Render Debug

On any component you want to show debug info for add the method.

public void RenderDebug() {}

Then tap D in game to toggle renderDebug. It will be updated every tick. This isn't fully implemented though.


  • set parameters by their name
  • call methods on objects by type
  • calling multiple methods in a single command