- A simple BASH script that takes periodic dumps of a java thread. How often it runs is based on what is configured inside of the crontab.
- Run this as the user who owns the Java process
- This cleans up after itself and will delete older thread dumps dirs based on how many days of retention is configured
- LOG_DIRECTORY : default '/var/log/thread_dumps', this defines where the dumps will be stored
- RETENTION_DAYS : default '7', this defines how many days thread dumps should be kept before being deleted
- DUMP_MODE : default '744', this defines the linux file permissions that should be placed on a thread dump
- PROCESS : default 'tomcat-juli', this defines what the process name is, this string is used to grep for the process via the ps command
Running the command from CLI:
sudo -u tomcat /opt/scripts/
Sample Crontab configuration in /etc/crontab
0 * * * * tomcat /opt/scripts/
- This thing doesn't accept any arguments so you'll need to modify the script
- You'll also need to create the log directory defined in the LOG_DIRECTORY variable before running this script