
Gemini Capsule Generator from the command line.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

  __ _ _ __ ___ (_)
 / _` | '_ ` _ \| | gemini
| (_| | | | | | | | capsule
 \__, |_| |_| |_|_| generator

gmi: a Gemini Capsule Generator

gmi is a Gemini capsule generator to easily manage articles, microblog posts and rss feed from the terminal.

gmi has been tested on a self-hosted server only.


bash, coreutils, findutils, fzf, nano (optional), openssh, rsync, sed, tar


gmi is available in the Arch User Repository: https://aur.archlinux.org/gmi.git

Or, clone this repository and:

make install


make uninstall


First, you need to copy the configuration file /etc/gmi/config in $HOME/.config/gmi and edit it.

source_dir = ~/.gmi/src
Capsule source directory. Defaults to ~/.gmi/src.

backup_dir = ~/.gmi/bak
Backup directory.

date_format_articles = %F
date_format_micro = %F %T
Articles and microblog date format (see man date for more on this).

article_section_delimiter = ---

article_lifespan = 6
In months.
Articles with a creation date older or equal to this value are taken into account for archiving.
Defaults to 6.

yearly_archive_title = Year %y Archive
Title of yearly archive index file (%y expands to year).

rss_title =
rss_description =
capsule_url =

server_destination_dir =
For instance user@domain:/path.

ssh_identity_file =

ssh_port =

Once everything is set up, enter: gmi init
It creates the main directory structure and files for the capsule.

For convenience when deploying the capsule, you might want to disable password for rsync on the server. To do so:

On the server, enter: sudo visudo
And add this line: user ALL= NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/rsync
(Replace "user" by your username)

Also, make sure the EDITOR environment variable is set. Gmi needs it to launch your editor of choice.

Then, you're good to go.

Basic usage

To customize your main page, enter: gmi idx

To create an article, enter: gmi new "My New Article"
When finished, a link to the article is added to the main index.gmi.

To deploy the capsule on the server: gmi push
RSS feed is generated each time you use this command.

To add a microblog entry, enter: gmi post "Hello, World!"
Changes are automatically deployed to the server.

To view list of already created articles: gmi list
Selected article then can be:

  • Edited
  • Renamed
  • Archived
  • Deleted

For more info: gmi help or man gmi.

Directory structure and files

Articles are stored in a YYYY/MM/DD/ID/ fashion.

Article title and renaming

gmi assumes the first line of the file is the article's title.

1 | # My New Article Title
2 |
3 | 2021/03/15
4 |
5 | Article content

When the title is changed inside the file, it is also changed in the main page.

=> 2021/03/15/1/index.gmi 2021/03/15 My New Article Title


Option Description
init Create initial capsule directory structure and files.
new [title] Create a new article.
post [msg] Post a new microblog entry.
push Deploy capsule on server.
pushm Deploy micro.gmi file only.
list Display article list.
idx Open main index for editing.
idxm Open micro.gmi for editing.
idxa Open main archive index.
lista Display archived article list.
archive Proceed archiving of older articles.
backup Create a backup copy of capsule.
restore Restore a backup copy.

When an article is selected, more options are available:

Option Description
edit Open article for editing.
rename Rename the article.
archive Archive the article.
delete Delete the article.