
Utilities to control Yeelight® bulbs

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A. YLIGHT utility to control Yeelight® bulbs
B. YSUNLIGHT set color temperature to time of the day

Depends on: bash, coreutils, curl, jq, openbsd-netcat, socat


Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/teegre/ylight-suite.git


A. YLIGHT version 0.8 (2022-04)

YLIGHT - utility to control Yeelight® bulbs

1. Usage

LAN Control has to be enabled via Yeelight® mobile application:

When done, bulbs on your local network have to be discovered. Enter:

$ ylight --discover
ylight: OK

If you get an error message, wait a few seconds and invoke the command again.

Show bulb status:

$ ylight --status
name:       bulb
host:       xxx.xxx.x.xxx
port:       xxxxx
power:      off
brightness: 100%
color temp: 6500K
effect:     smooth
transition: 500 ms

In case you own more than one bulb:

$ ylight --list

The first of the list will be used as default. So, if you want to turn bulb2 on:

$ ylight --name bulb2 --on

To set bulb2 as default:

$ ylight --set-default bulb2
default bulb set to: 'bulb2'

2. Options


Option Description
--discover retrieve and save bulbs IP and port on local network
--set-name NAME set device name
--set-default DEVICE_NAME set DEVICE_NAME as default device
-a, --name DEVICE_NAME send command to DEVICE_NAME
-l, --list print saved bulbs
-s, --status display bulb status
-n, --on turn light on
-f, --off turn light off
-t, --toggle toggle power
-b, --brightness [+/-]VALUE set brightness (1..100)
-c, --color-temp [+/-]VALUE set color temperature (1700..6500)
-T, --timer [DURATION] enable timer for a given duration
(from 1 to 120 minutes). 0 to turn off current timer;
if no argument is present, each call to the function
set the timer with a preset duration
(30, 60, 90, 120 minutes or off, respectively)
-S, --smooth [DURATION_MS] smooth transition time when changing settings (100..10000)
-u, --sudden changes are applied immediately (ignore -S)
-N, --notify display a notification
-h, --help print this help and exit
-V, --version print program version and exit

3. Some examples

Turn light on, set brightness to 50% and color temperature to 4500K:
ylight -n -b 50 -c 4500

Decrease brightness by 10% and turn light off:
ylight -b -10 -f

B. YSUNLIGHT version 0.6 (2020-11)

YSUNLIGHT - set color temperature according to time of the day.

Once per day, ysunlight connects to this website https://sunrise-sunset.org
to retrieve sunrise and sunset times in your city, then it sets the right color temperature.
If the light is currently turned off, color temperature will be set once you turn the light on.

Period Color temperature
Sunset 1700K→6500K
Sunrise 6500K→4500K
Night (user defined) 4500K→1700K

1. Configuration

To be able to work, ysunlight needs to know:

  • Timezone
  • Latitude
  • Longitude

1.1 Timezone

Type this command:

$ timedatectl
               Local time: ven. 2020-07-03 11:34:50 CEST
           Universal time: ven. 2020-07-03 09:34:50 UTC
                 RTC time: ven. 2020-07-03 09:34:50
                Time zone: Europe/Paris (CEST, +0200)
System clock synchronized: yes
              NTP service: active
          RTC in local TZ: no

What you need is Europe/Paris

1.2 Latitude and longitude

Follow the link: https://latitude.to
and enter your city name, for instance, Paris

1.3 Configuration file

Edit the file: $HOME/.config/ylight/ysunlight.conf
and enter the previous info, ie.:


Other settings can also be found:

night_time=11:00 PM

All durations are in seconds.

2. Enable and start ysunlight.service

$ systemctl --user enable ysunlight
$ systemctl --user start ysunlight

If everything went fine, you should see a notification
indicating time of the day.

If something went wrong, check the log file at: $HOME/.config/ylight/ysunlight.log
and also: systemctl --user status ysunlight


[] YLIGHT: ability to send commands to more than one bulb at a time.

[] YSUNLIGHT: Make color temperature configurable.

[] YSUNLIGHT: Check if night_time value is valid.