E-bureauet Website Starter

This is a starter project template for use by E-bureauet frontend developers.



  1. LibSass (NodeJS CSS Preprocessor, alternative to the ruby powered sass)
  2. Bootstrap-Sass
  3. Susy + Breakpoint (Grid System optional)
  4. Browserify
  5. HTML File Includes
  6. Source Maps
  7. Minify CSS, Uglify JS
  8. Autoprefix CSS
  9. Image Compression Tools
  10. JSHint, HTMLhint, CSSLint
  11. Icon Font Generation
  12. BrowserSync
  13. Notifier
  14. Sprite Generation
  15. SVG to PNG


  1. Jquery
  2. Normalize (CSS Reset)
  3. OwlCarousel (Slideshows, Carousels)

Project Setup

System Requirements:

$ npm install -g node-gyp

Starting Your New Project

If you wish to use this as a foundation to your new project without cloning or forking (your project will still be tied to this original master repository) but having your repository independent from this starter kit's updates, then you will need to use "Download ZIP" and extract the folder 'website-starter-master/'. You must rename this folder to the new project name you like. Next, if you have installed Git Bash you can right-click on your project folder and choose 'Git Bash' or 'Git Bash here'. It will open the command prompt where you should type and enter this:

$ git init

At this point you now have your own git local repository, next thing to do is add and commit the contents of your folder by doing this:

$ git add --all
$ git commit -m "My first commit"

Now, go back to your github.com account and create a new repository bearing the same name as your new project folder. Then follow the steps about "push an existing repository from the command line". It goes like this: (Note: Change demo-user to your github account name, and change demo-project to name of the new project folder)

$ git remote add origin https://github.com/demo-user/demo-project.git
$ git push -u origin master

By doing so it will link your local repository on your github account as your remote repository. Which you can now push your files to your github account:

$ git push origin master

If you want to contribute and help me improve this 'Website Starter' project. Just clone this repository to your local without forking and ask a request to make you an authorized contributor, so you can write changes to this repo.

Setting Up the Project Workflow

Now, that your repository is created you must next set up the project workflow system by doing the following:

  1. Install Node dependencies
$ npm install
  1. Install Bower dependencies
$ bower install


The gulpfile in this project is setup to run gulp-sass and to watch the scss file for changes. Use the gulp command to start the process.

$ gulp

That's it!

Browse the Documentations: