Jeet is the most advanced, yet intuitive, grid system on the market today. You can think of it like the spiritual successor to
By making use of the power of pre-processors, we can now pass real fractions (or float numbers) as context that generates a percentage based width and gutter for grids. We're able to do this while maintaining a consistently sized infinitely nestable gutter.
Check out this presentation to learn more about what sets Jeet above other grid systems, then enjoy one of Jeet's many pre-processor flavors:
Want to sandbox it right this very second? Fork some examples on CodePen.
- generator-jeet - Yeoman generator with LiveReload for Jeet
- jeet-gulp - Gulp project with LiveReload for Jeet
- IE9+ and all major browsers without polyfills like Selectivizr
- With a nice boilerplate like Boy, seamless and responsive in IE7+ (gallery)
(psst, we're hiring)
- Mitchell Coote - For contributing the sweet goodness of consistently sized gutters even in nested contexts (seriously-tricky-business).
- Hugo Giraudel - For his huge contributions to the SCSS port.
- Jeff Escalante - For his patience and guidance with this project.
- Carrot Creative - For keeping up with Jeet and using it on some of the biggest companies in the world.
- Kenichiro Murata - For his continual support and for creating/maintaining jeet-gulp.
- Julian Ćwirko - For creating/maintaining the Yeoman generator-jeet.
- The rest of ya's - Thanks for your love. It makes developing this project fun and rewarding for everyone.