
Display images uploaded from a webcam

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


A simple, secure display of JPEG images uploaded from a webcam.

This repo contains the server components needed to display the images uploaded from the webcam. The setup I'm using for a webcam is listed below in the Webcam Setup section, but this will work with any set of time-stamped images placed in a directory on the server.


  1. Clone this repo to a location where it can statically run from. For this example I'll be using /mnt/fs/Webserver/webcam-display.
  2. Create the virtual environment inside there in the venv subdirectory: python3 -m venv venv
  3. Activate the venv source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install pre-requisites pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  5. Create a user to run the service adduser --system --no-create-home --group webcamsvc
  6. Update the webcam-server.service to include the paths to your repo.
  7. Move the webcam-server.service to the systemd service path: /lib/systemd/system/
  8. Enable the service systemctl enable webcam-server.service
  9. Start the service systemctl start webcam-server.service

TODO Items

  • Python script
    • Run as systemd service
    • Take config options of a path for source images, path for output images, image pattern (e.g. photo_2021-12-27_07-36-22.jpg -> photo_*.jpg)....currently just set this in the top of the script
    • Output current image as current.jpg
    • Keep a set of prior images....6 for last minute, 10 for last 10 min, 6 for last hour, 24, for last day.
    • Keep also as lower resolution images for lower res display
    • Creates a very small json file with the most recent image timestamp (UTC) in it
    • Create a json file with all the prior timestamps in it.
  • Web interface
    • Simple static html + javascript
    • Displays timestamp for image (in user's timezone)
    • Javascript automatically checks the json file to see if the images need to be refreshed
    • Ability to scroll back through prior stored images
    • Scales with window size
      • automatically picks correct .jpeg for size

Webcam Setup

The webcam this is designed for is an old Android phone, running Pavel Khlebovich's excellent IPWebCam app. This is in conjunction with his Filoader plugin app.

IPWebCam Setup

  • The "Regular photos" plugin enabled, set at every 10 seconds.
  • The "Uploaded" plugin enabled.
    • "Remove uploaded files" checked
    • SFTP Uploader in use. Set hostname and user first, then select the authenticate button, upload public key to server.
  • Video Preferences
    • Photo Resolution - 4032x3024
    • Video Recording
      • Save videos to - Directory I created: primary:Webcam. Photos are stored in primary:Webcam/photos
  • Set permissions to enable recording
  • Screen will remain on, so put a piece of black construction paper over it to avoid light from it.