
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/xtigertrans

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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	<title>xTigerTrans Library Project</title>
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	<h1>xTigerTrans Library Project</h1>
	<p>Home : <a href="http://xtigertrans.googlecode.com">http://xtigertrans.googlecode.com</a></p>


	<p>xTigerTrans is a Javascript library for client-side processing of
	<a href="http://www.w3.org/Amaya/Templates/XTiger-spec.html">XTiger</a> template files
	which can be created with the <a href="http://www.w3.org/Amaya/">Amaya</a> editor.</p>

	<p>This library has been developed in the framework of the <a href="http://palette.ercim.org"> 
	PALETTE</a> research project. Its purpose is to quickly prototype some XTiger template
	visualizations for template driven editing applications, such as 
	<a href="http://docreuse.epfl.ch/">DocReuse</a>.</p>

	<p>The companion application, <a href="viewerApp/viewer.xhtml">viewerApp</a>, 
	visualizes XTiger template documents with predefined transformations. 
	To visualize some XTiger template documents (files ending with .xtd), put 
	them in the "templates" folder, then open "viewerApp/viewer.xhtml". The application should 
	build a "Page shortcut" popup menu from where you can select your templates.</p>
	<p>You can add you own transformations to the viewerApp application by placing their
	corresponding files (at least an "index.xhtml") file, into a sub-folder of the 
	"transformations" folder. The content of this folder is used to build the "View with" 
	menu to select the current transformation.</p>	

	<h2>Content of the package</h2>
README.html      : this file
docs/            : documentation files (currently Jonathan project reports)
templates/       : default location for XTiger template files to visualize
transformations/ : default location for transformations to apply to visualize templates, 
                   each sub-folder must define the transformation in an "index.xhtml" file
viewerApp/       : sample application to apply tranformations to templates (viewer.xhtml)
xtiger/          : library Javascript code and utilities

	<p>The library and the viewerApp application have been developed and tested 
	with Firefox version 2 and 3 beta, on a mac OS X computer.</p>

	<p>Jonathan Wafellman (2008 spring semester project at EPFL) and Stéphane Sire (EPFL).</p>