A trading bot class that connects to Binance and tries to make money by predicting a moving average.
You can read about this bot in my medium:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/mendoncaDS/binance_live_bot
- Set up your .env with API key and secret. Connect your github account to https://testnet.binance.vision/ to generate the API credentials
API_Key_Testnet = {your api key}
Secret_Key_Testnet = {your api secret}
modelName = placeHolderModel
- Create a conda virtual environment from .yml file:
conda env create --file environment.yml
- Activate the virtual environment
conda activate liveBot
- Generate the model, scalers and parameters by running "trainModel.py" (Note that it uses GPU by default and will probably throw an error if not available. Without GPU it takes too long.)
python scripts/trainModel.py
- Run the bot
trainModelNB.ipynb exemplifies the workflow used to develop a model. trainModel.py does the same thing but in script format instead of jupyter notebook.
You can mess around with the functions to make your own.
Once you are done, make sure the functions in the Jupyter Notebook are available in botsFactoryLib.py.
The bot class will use these functions to run the model live, so they should match the custom model you have developed.
Run modelsBacktest.py to perform grid search on exposure parameters for live trading. These parameters are set when instantiating a tradingBot class (defined in liveBotClass.py)
These scripts were developed for my medium articles so you probably'll want to tweak the code
Finally, trainModelNB.ipynb is a kind of playground to backtest your models
Have fun, cheers! 🥳