
With it, you can easily create chat bots for your website

Primary LanguageNix


With it, you can easily create chat bots for your website

beta function while there is a problem with styles 😏

How to use?

You must first include my library like this:

👉 Connecting:

<script src="https://googleapis.volodya-bot-developer.repl.co/libs/chatbot.min.js"></script>

👉 Usage:

let mybot = new ChatBot();
//bot doctrine: a question is a question that the user can enter to which he will receive the answer "answer"
mybot.newMemory("answer|question #1|question #2...|question #999999999999999", "answer|question #1|question #2...|question #999999999999", ....);
//creating the bot
mybot.newBot(true, "chat1", "support bot", "GI", "type a problem...", "", "ru");
//starting the bot
//stopping the bot: id=chat1
//deleting the messages
//bot restart
mybot.restartBot("chat1", false);

👉 Result: GitHub Dark


This bot has 6 methods:

  1. mybot.newMemory(...) here we train the bot to answer a set of some possible questions with one answer

  2. mybot.newBot(time, id, text, button, placeholder, image, language)

    a) time: has 2 values: true/false, that is, whether or not to display the time of sending messages in the conversation

    b) id: your bot id, as you can create multiple bots

    c) text: text-title of your bot, in my case it is "support bot"

    d) button: has 3 meanings: GI(use the google icon on the button to send the message)/TI(telegram image is used (airplane))/Or the 3 value is just your text for the button, for example: "submit"

    e) placeholder: replacement text in the field for entering a message

    f) image: your picture for the background of the chat, if you do not specify anything, my picture will be used ;)

    g) language: the language of the bot in which he will say hello to you, languages: ua, ru, de(Deutsch), en, es(Spanish), fr(French), it(Italian), ja(Japanese), pl(Polish), sr(Serbian), zh(Chinese)

  3. mybot.startBot(ID) starts the bot by id = ID

  4. mybot.deleteBot(id) deleting a bot by its ID

  5. mybot.stopBot(id) stops the bot by its ID, that is, the field for entering a message becomes unavailable

  6. mybot.deleteChat(id) delete all messages in bot with id

  7. mybot.restartBot(ID, rem) restarts the bot by its ID, rem=true/false - clear chat on restart(true) or not(false)

  8. mybot.clearMemory() clears the "memory" of the bot, useful for improving website speed

WARNING: you are allowed to host 1 bot for now