Pinned issues
- 0
``sv_player_ready_mode 1`` aborts warmup and instantly starts the game if someone joins
#3271 opened by ChillerDragon - 1
ThreadSanitizer: data race /home/teeworlds/src/engine/client/backend_sdl.cpp:41 in CGraphicsBackend_Threaded::ThreadFunc(void*)
#3270 opened by JohnSmithBH84 - 1
Add levels
#3183 opened by ixPost - 8
The client does not find more than one lan server
#3268 opened by ChillerDragon - 0
game skin - hook is off-center and overlaps with hammer
#3266 opened by WaRNe0nx3 - 1
Rounds became unused in 0.7
#3265 opened by ChillerDragon - 3
- 0
- 0
Add broadcast color code escapes
#3253 opened by ChillerDragon - 0
Someone cherry pick this thank
#3209 opened by ChillerDragon - 0
Naming inconsistency in network messages. System uses "Rem" and game uses "Remove".
#3246 opened by ChillerDragon - 6
0.8 remove control messages
#3245 opened by ChillerDragon - 0
Idea of 0.8: Client custom UI from server
#3189 opened by Bamcane - 0
- 0
- 1
Allow calling votes as spectator in the client side
#3214 opened by ChillerDragon - 0
bam not finding python should be a critical error
#3207 opened by Dune-jr - 0
Rework side panel / classic view mode, fix inconsistencies with the Server Browser (sub-tasks)
#3203 opened by Zatline - 0
- 0
Improve information and scoreboard UI in the side panel
#3202 opened by Zatline - 0
Integrate "settings & quit" into the design & properly align icon with the side panel window
#3201 opened by Zatline - 0
Add ascending/descending filter mark
#3200 opened by Zatline - 0
- 0
Race Time Scoreboard stopped showing
#3169 opened by Stiopa866 - 1
[bug] Mouse out of control when using remote desktop?
#3198 opened by radiorz - 7
Add comment to clarify seq/ack/peerack
#3191 opened by ChillerDragon - 1
Make it so that you can keep both keyboard configs and joystick configs at the same time & add multiplayers
#3184 opened by ixPost - 2
Make it easy to load/save control configurations
#3187 opened by raffraffraff - 4
#3130 opened by fopeczek - 1
CMapLayers::OnRender client crash
#3182 opened by ChillerDragon - 0
[EditorV2] Client Freeze on gigantic maps folder
#3072 opened by AssassinTee - 0
Multiple data races in CJobPool
#3177 opened by ceeac - 0
Compose binds using + commands cancle others
#3170 opened by ChillerDragon - 9
Maintaining teeworlds
#3022 opened by Jupeyy - 2
Improve new player experience by delisting competitive matches from regular server tabs
#3162 opened by Zatline - 0
Add toggle free cam for Race gametype
#3159 opened by Zatline - 1
macOS apple silicon m1 arm64 build fail
#3122 opened by naymapl - 6
Add econ to the client
#3149 opened by ChillerDragon - 0
Using multiple server browser filters with many entries causes significant hangs when refreshing server list
#3051 opened by Robyt3 - 2
RFC: (partially) Steam support
#3085 opened by AssassinTee - 4
Can't compile teeworlds client on windows
#3076 opened by AssassinTee - 8
Race podium rewards for top3
#3027 opened by Zatline - 2
- 0
[EditorV2] Client crash when clicking on empty field
#3073 opened by AssassinTee - 0
Add Race as a default Filter to the Server Browser
#3031 opened by Zatline - 3
Official standard maps for Race
#3032 opened by Zatline - 1
Rethink the purpose of the difficulty icons
#3034 opened by Zatline - 6
Consistency of death tiles regarding Race
#3056 opened by Zatline - 0
- 6
Scrolling through the server list
#3014 opened by KOT040188