Check the documentation.pdf to see what this is about! make sure you have packages: numpy opencv (3)! matplotlib scipy mpl_toolkits math os then just go and run: python contains all the helper functions doing the dirty work. I work on an Ubuntu 15.10 The script: Reads in the images Findes the keypoints matches the keypoints estimates the Rotation and Translation Visualises the result creates an ./output/ folder with the results OUTPUT: ./kps/ - the keypoints found in the images ./matches/ - the visualisation of the flow of the keypoints between consecutive images ./result/ - the 2D mapping and the 3D- coordinate plot ./logfile.txt - the indivdicual rotation and translation of each step and information if the sanity check was negative.
This code uses the images of an in-vehicle dashcam to estimate the position of the car in a series of consecutive images. It uses the FAST keypoint detection algorithm combined with the opticalFlowLK keypoint matching algorithm.