Theses python scripts are used to preprocess satellite image data to put into DetectNet
Takes images from ./processed_labeled/images/*tif Converts them to png’s Imports featurefile ./AOI_1_Rio_polygons_solutions_3band.geojson, extracts features and converts polygons to boxes Maps features to images Write features in single feature .txt files matching each image
python ‘/processed_labeled’ 10
This shows 10 random images in the folder specified with it’s according bounding boxes
python ‘./processed_labeled/labels/*txt’ ‘./statistics_all.png’
This shows the statistics of the buildings in all the images
python ‘./processed_labeled’ ‘./sample_1000’ 1000 0.8
Takes images and labels from ./processed_labeled/images/ ./processed_labeled/labels/ Copies a random subset of 1000 them and puts 0.8 of those 1000 images&labels into ./sample_1000/train/ and 0.2 into ./sample_1000/val/ This is to make the structure fit the KITTI format Actually only takes images with more than 5 buildings
python 1280 ‘.sample_1000/train/images/*png’ ‘./sample_1000/train/labels/*txt’ ‘./sample_1000/val/images/*png’ ‘./sample_1000/val/labels/*txt’
Takes images and labels from the folder put into the python script and scales both images and labels up to 1280x1280 pixels This is because the network is only/most sensitive to objects in the range of 40-500 px