
This code helps to prepare data for the DetectNet within the NVIDIA DIGITS framework to detect buildings in satellite images.

Primary LanguagePython

Using DetectNet within NVIDIA DIGITS to detect objects in satellite images

Theses python scripts are used to preprocess satellite image data to put into DetectNet

python prepare_data.py

Takes images from ./processed_labeled/images/*tif Converts them to png’s Imports featurefile ./AOI_1_Rio_polygons_solutions_3band.geojson, extracts features and converts polygons to boxes Maps features to images Write features in single feature .txt files matching each image

python show_boxes_boxes.py ‘/processed_labeled’ 10

This shows 10 random images in the folder specified with it’s according bounding boxes

python statistics.py ‘./processed_labeled/labels/*txt’ ‘./statistics_all.png’

This shows the statistics of the buildings in all the images

python create_random_subsets.py ‘./processed_labeled’ ‘./sample_1000’ 1000 0.8

Takes images and labels from ./processed_labeled/images/ ./processed_labeled/labels/ Copies a random subset of 1000 them and puts 0.8 of those 1000 images&labels into ./sample_1000/train/ and 0.2 into ./sample_1000/val/ This is to make the structure fit the KITTI format Actually only takes images with more than 5 buildings

python scale_images.py 1280 ‘.sample_1000/train/images/*png’ ‘./sample_1000/train/labels/*txt’ ‘./sample_1000/val/images/*png’ ‘./sample_1000/val/labels/*txt’

Takes images and labels from the folder put into the python script and scales both images and labels up to 1280x1280 pixels This is because the network is only/most sensitive to objects in the range of 40-500 px