This Repo is the result of a tutorial that teaches how to use Spotify's API with react. It's a siple app that allos users to see what song they currently have playing on Spotify. There are two parts to it, the auth-server, and the client.
Getting Statrted
1) Create an App
- Visit
- Log in and create an app
- Enter http//localhost:8888/callback as the redirect uri
- Save your changes
- Copy down the following: Redirect uri, client id, client secret
2) Start Auth Server
- Navigate to the auth-server directory
cd auth-server
- Install the dependencies
npm install
- Paste in the redirect uri, client id, and client secret you copied in step 1
- Run the Server
node authorization_code/app.js
3) Start Client
- Navigate to the auth-server directory
cd client
- Install the dependencies
npm install
- Run the Server
npm start
4) Use the App
- Make sure you have a song playing (or paused) on a Spotify app
- Visit http://localhost:3000
- Click 'Log in with Spotify' and log in
- Click the 'Check Now Playing' Button
- Your currently playing song's name and album art should appear