
Port of Dashing to node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Port of Dashing to node.js

Getting Started

  1. Install from npm
$ npm install -g dashing-js
  1. Generate a new project
$ dashing-js new sweet_dashboard_project
  1. Change your directory to sweet_dashboard_project and install required modules
$ cd sweet_dashboard_project && npm install
  1. Start the server!
$ dashing-js start
  1. Point your browser at http://localhost:3030/ and have fun!

Every new Dashing project comes with sample widgets & sample dashboards for you to explore. The directory is setup as follows:

  • Assets — All your images, fonts, and js/coffeescript libraries. Uses Mincer
  • Dashboards — One .jade file for each dashboard that contains the layout for the widgets.
  • Jobs — Your js jobs for fetching data (e.g for calling third party APIs like twitter).
  • Lib — Optional js files to help out your jobs.
  • Public — Static files that you want to serve. A good place for a favicon or a custom 404 page.
  • Widgets — All the html/css/coffee for individual widgets.

Run dashing-js from command line to find out what command line tools are available to you.


dashing-js is setup to be easily deployed on a Joyent Node SmartMachine. This means that:

  1. The version of Node is defined in package.json
  2. The main script to run is server.js
  3. The web server port is pulled from process.env.PORT