#Speculative Bureaucracy

Tega Brain
Summer School, 2016
School for Poetic Computation
August 15th and 16th, 6-9pm

How do governments and institutions describe their goals and administer them? And what if you could rescript these processes? In this class we will develop online interventions to rethink institutional agendas and critique mainstream culture. We will look at the history of culture jamming and apply speculative design strategies, using the contemporary web as medium. Taking delight in the banal, we will experiment with basic web scraping, text manipulation and browser add-ons to provide a glimpse of the world we’d like to see.



Day 1

  • Lecture: Histories of bureaucracy and speculation
  • Lab 1: Web and JS basics, wget, find and replace
  • Group concept exercise
  • Homework:
    • Make a critical css intervention, editing in the browser or otherwise. Take a screen shot, and bring to class.
    • Make a content intervention on a website of your choice, either editing the html, using a tool like clonezone or otherwise. Take a screenshot and come ready to discuss.
    • Bring in one critical/creative browser extension you've found in your own personal research.
    • Use these experiments to consider a concept for a simple extension.

Day 2

  • Homework review and discussion
  • Lecture: Creative Strategies. But what does it do?
  • Lab 2: Browser add-ons.
  • Project exercise/studio

Shared notes from class are here.



###Readings Recommended


Tangental but Interesting Talks

###Tech Resources



JS Video Resourses


Chrome Extensions

More on extensions from Google's documentation:

Thanks Lauren McCarthy, Cory Forsyth, Dan Shiffman, Sam Lavigne and Melanie Hoff for resources/help/prior work in this area.